Water Conservation

 Water Conservation 

  • Plan:

The Kloter Conservation plan as a strategy or combination of strategies for reducing the consumption. of water reducing the loss or waste of water. improving of maintaining the efficiency in the use of water or increasing recycling and reuse of water OY

  • Schedule:

The session about Water Conservation is scheduled 13 January, 2023 at 12:00 PM. Venue: -Class Room (B-121)

Water Conservation

Water conservation is the practice of using water efficiently to reduce unnecessary water usage. Water conservation is important because fresh clean: water is limited resource.

        Conserving water saves energy. Energy is needed to filter, heat and water to pump your home college, so reducing your water use also reduces your carbon footprint. Using less water keeps more to our ecosystems and helps to keep wetland habitats klater conservation includes all the policies strategies and activities to sustainably manage the natural!!. resource of fresh water, to protect the hydrosphere. Factors such as climate change have increased n' natural water resources espeacially in manufacturing". and agricultural irrigation

What are the ways of conserving water?

  • Harvesting: Harvesting as a collection of rainwater by tapping it from the roofs of houses rocks and trees Rainfall brings clean and uncontaminated water.. that should be trapped and stored....
  • Recycling: water that has been used in one way or another & has become dirty can be used again water is treating after it is treated Recycling 150 ursed water so that it becomes safe and able to be used yet again
  • Re-using water: A given amount of water be used for can one task and then used for yet another task without the need to treat it. This is called wire-using
  • Using water sparingly: In flood irrigation, water is allowed into a widzia paddock of rice to cover the entire. certain depth -piece to a now In drip irrigation, each individual plant is fed with the water directly at the roots drop by drop. Very little or none amount of water is wasted:""Jornet, the In overhead irrigation, the water gets to し the plants from above for anstance! by the fire of in use of sprinkles 
  • Mulching / shading: Muthing and shading conservation methods that reduce the evaporation of water are water from the soil to atmosphere. This ensuresthat water is used by plants rather than getting lost or wasted through evaporation.
  • Storing water in dams: Storing water in thedams that harvests and retains water for use of domestic purposes or for crop and livestock. use. Dams can be built in areas where floods occur to conserve the water by storing- water: excess

Benefits of conserving water :

  • Protects drinking water pollution and health. 
  • Reduces the need for costly water supply and new wastewater treatment facilities.
  • Maintains the health of aquatic environment... Saves energy used to pump heat and treat water.
  • Minimizes water pollution and health risks.
  • Protects drinking water resources.


Water Conservation

13 January 2023.

        As a part of social connectivity and responsibility Department of At & DS organised. "Water conservation" by resource d session on person Er Channa basay B Hiremath, in the presence of our HOD Dr. Rudags all the faculty members of the department including teaching staff and all the students of the department

        The session exactly begun at 10:00 PM with: the ted introduction of the resource person by HOD mam Soon the session was started by welcoming.. the guest. Fr. Channabasava ser gave a very deep introduc- Lour -tive session abot water conservation, it's uses, it's types. its benefits etc. At. 9:00 PM: the session ended with • vote of thanks.

